Year 6 | Year 7 | Year 8 | |
Bible | EP Poetry | EP New Testament | EP Old Testament |
English | The Logic of English | Repeat LoE? | MaxScholar + EP? |
Math | Life of Fred/EPstep1 | Life of Fred/EPstep2 | Life of Fred/EPstep3 |
Science | EP Biology | EP Zoology | EP Earth Science |
History | EP World-Geography | Texas History | EP Ancient History |
Economics | Toothpaste Millionare | Common Sense Bus. & Capitalism for Kids | Young Economist |
Art/Music | EP Cultures | EP Early American | EP Ancient |
Computer | Programing for Kids | Graphic Design | Using Spreadsheets |
Thinking | Using Logic | Art of Logic Course | EP Foundations |
Pers. Dev. | Practical Happiness | Boyhood and Beyond | Do Hard Things |
For. Lang. | None | Visual Latin 1 | Visual Latin 2 |
Of course this is not all written in stone. And, as you see, I'm really not sure what we'll do for English, spelling, & grammar after this next year. The Logic of English can be done a second round with a more advanced spelling list - we will probably do that. But ultimately it depends on how it goes the first time around and what he is ready for after that. I also have no idea at this point what we'll do for Texas history, or even whether we'll spend a whole year on it.
But I'm thankful to have an overall plan - some direction as we do work out those details. I am also thankful we now have a better understanding of his learning strengths and weaknesses. That also helps in choosing materials and knowing what accommodations to make. We have used and enjoyed audio books in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. I will continue to do much of the reading this year, but will be transitioning in the following years to having him utilize those accommodations more independently. And, hopefully, he will also do more reading on his own. I realize these next three years will involve many leaps and bounds as he grows in so many ways towards that young man he is becoming.