After hanging out with the author and many other enthusiastic homeschool moms in a Facebook group, I have begun to reconsider my initial impression of Dyslexia Games, as well. There are so many other benefits to these exercises. Many of the parents have shared how much their kiddos have improved in reading, writing, attention, thinking, and much more. They are just good brain exercises, really. So I decided that we'll both do Series B this summer. Series C will be part of his language arts and math for year 8. And I'll probably work through that one, too. Mom has to keep the old brain sharp, too, you know. While I am still thinking through what next year will look like, I have a rough outline of what I think we'll do.
The journals I have for the student so far |
- Bible study/devotion at breakfast – Easy Peasy Old Testament
- Language Arts – Dyslexia Games series C, continue Apples& Pears Spelling, Writing Skills 2 (after Dyslexia Games), McGuffey's 5th Reader, and audio literature with the 10-Subject Portfolio.
- Math – Mastering Essential Math Skills 1, Life of Fred, Dyslexia Games C book 6, and Comic Book Math.
- Daily History and Science work - Streams of Civilization 1 for history along with Easy Peasy Ancient History, and his own interest led study of the science of sports, using the 10-Subject Portfolio and the Reading Time and Film Study journals.
- Daily subjects (each 1 day/week) – Geography, business, the arts (Easy Peasy Ancient Art & Music), social studies, and Home Ec. (Vintage Remedies for Tweens, Facing the Facts) using the portfolio.
- Dad Time Journal – they should be able to get that in a couple of times each week with Dad working from home.
- Hobby - he has shown interest in photography and making videos, so I thought I'd sign him up for a subscription at They have some film making courses among other things that look pretty interesting.
- Chores - to be done immediately following school work. Free time comes after all work is completed.
In addition to the journals for the students, Sarah has also published several journals for us moms. The idea is for us to be an example of how learning is a part of life and we continue learning even when we've grown up. I love that she also made one for the kiddos to do with dad. Learning can truly be a family affair. I'll have more about those in the future, but should mention that I am currently enjoying the Mom's Homeschooling Handbook and it is helping me tackle my ever growing pile of books I'm always meaning to read. Thankfully, The Thinking Tree books aren't just for kids. :)